Thursday, March 26, 2009

Born Friday March 13, 2009 at home, pushed by mom, caught by dad and Loved by all-especially Tyson & Kaleb!

Hey guys, I'll write lots more later about our new addition Travis but for now, I just wanted to have fun making fun of Heidi! She's such a good sport! Today while playing the game of phase 10, I got the biggest laugh at her blonde remark/action. She had already completed her phase and was waiting to 'go out'. Finally I picked a card that I could play to 'go out' first. Once I played the card, she said: "I feel stupid, I could have gone out several turns ago. I was holding the cards so that you couldn't play them!" She could have won the game by playing them on me first rather than just holding them. Anyways it was really funny at the time and made us all laugh.

For another fun laugh look closely at Heidi's chin in the picture below. Travis already knows how to give Hickeys. ( I never taught him.) When Travis was sucking on her chin, I remarked" I wonder how clean your chin is?" And Heidi replied: " Much cleaner than your nose!" Which travis was also sucking on -but not long enough for a hickey! luckily.

Thanks all you guys for your support. Three kids is much diffeent than two, but We love it! I still can't believe Nancy is hitched! Good Luck!


Huke, Lollie, and Gracie! said...

Soooo cute Robert! Thanks for the phone call too. I still can't believe you did it at home. So brave and I am glad that there were no complications. I am not surprised that Heidi recovered better either. Way to save your son's life too.
I sent a package in the mail but I forgot to put a card in it so I am sorry about that. We love you and are thinking of you and your 3 kiddos. Can't believe you have 3 already. You guys are great!

Huke, Lollie, and Gracie! said...

how much did he weigh again? How did you decide on the name?

lisa said...

soooo cute! Good job Robert and Heidi! - I'm jealous you got to have one at home. That was kind of a dream of mine, too, but was just a little scared about the what if's - I guess. oh - potty training - sometimes my kids had to go to the bathroom right after breakfast, lunch or supper - so I would have them sit on the toilet or child potty with a book and look/read a book together. For a month or so I bribed Tyler with raisins - they were his reward for going in the toilet. Tyler always wanted to sit on the toilet like April. Hope it helps - I've never potty trained two kids at the same time. I would think it could help (peer pressure) or it could hinder (peer pressure) - the one copying the other one in a good or negative way. That's all. Good luck. Lisa OH - if you buy the underwear for potty training - it is thicker where the urine and poop go -so there's not such a mess to clean up. I don't know ifthey sell them anymore, but I had a lot of hand me down ones. I will give them to you if I ever get our stuff unpacked and can find them. They did make the urine puddles very small. That's all I can think of right now. oh - I went to the library and there are potty books for kids to learn from, but also "how to potty train" books at the library, too. I used some of their tactics for April and Tyler.