Friday, September 19, 2008

Holy Mouth Man Novitiate

Don't forget to visit the shrine, but it's more important to floss! Do it at red lights for a laugh.

I was initiated today. Missed you guys. See our family's page for pictures (there's a link to Karl, Meg, and Kids in the right column). When I have a dental practice, I will be happy to see any of you for free (Heidi). I'm sure I can get my hands on whatever you want me to put in your teeth. Maybe not enriched uranium.

I'm not going to have my own practice for a long, long time. I will soon be at the mercy of Uncle Sam again. This time the Navy -- they offer a much better deal than the Air Force. We finally decided that we'd rather uphold the Constitution than pay outrageous amounts of interest, which ultimately goes to the Chinese anyway. My only beef with our choice is that I doubt the current adminstration has even read the Constitution. But school is so expensive! And working for the Navy will be something like a residency. A lot of young grads break out into the big bad world and realize that their loan payments are too big for their infant pratices. I can't afford to make a mistake like that. My kids will just be getting expensive right about that time. Besides, deep down, we like the military life. Can't you see my family growing up in Japan? Wouldn't that be good for the kids?

Glad everyone wrote. Heidi, I put my long cynical answer to your political question in 'comments' under your post. Not sure everyone wanted to be burdened with my reasoning or lack thereof.

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