Wednesday, February 4, 2009

baby count-down

As of this week we have 5 weeks until the baby's due date!! It is exciting. I am ready to be not pregnant. The last month is torture. I can never sleep, never have an appetite and always ache from head to toe. I have really bad mood swings. Most of the time I feel like crying. About a week ago I could not stop crying. It kept Rob up and I felt bad. He is really good though. He did everything he could do. Found chocolate, let me soak in the tub and just stayed with me and just listened to me.

We both have to speak in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. Just last Sunday (Feb 1st) we were saying that the last time we spoke was when we lived in Logan when we were pregnant with Tyson. Robert said oh, they won't ask us because you are pregnant and we have 2 young boys. I told him he better not speak to soon or we will be jinxed. Well the next day the bishopric called and asked us to speak. We have to take 15 minutes each. There are two youth speakers. The youth in our ward don't take much time. I tend to speak fast so Robert might have a lot of time to use.
I better start preparing my talk.

1 comment:

Huke, Lollie, and Gracie! said...

You can do it Heidi! I feel sorry for Robert. Just kidding!!! You are super mom to be having your third already. Joining the likes of Megan Chandler nad living up to your name Heidi Chandler. Can't wait to see your new little one. Hope it is a girl.