Comeback time! The only thing that I can think that irritates him is when I tease him about which girl he was with or flirted with AT WORK and things like that. He went out with two girls the other day. He was at his orientation for his new job and he said they dragged him to the car. I told him that they can't force but he goes on his own free-will. He always told me that when he went out with his classmates. But it is all fun and games now.
What he means when he said Kaleb was without his mommy last night is that he took the boys shopping while I took L-Tryptophan. I haven't slept that well for a long time.
Robert can be the biggest sore loser. He has to win or he gets upset. I have to lose on purpose just to make him happy. I think he loses on purpose sometimes just to make me feel sorry for him, to make me happy or just so he can pout. Smath is his type of game, so how he can lose is a mystery.
I don't really slap him. It is more of a pat on the cheek. I usually pat him in the cheek when he doens't shave. He tries to see how long he can go without shaving. When he does shave, he will shave everything but his chin. That makes him look like a tramp. I am glad he got a job, now he has to shave to look presentable. He likes blowing things out of proportion. He says things like that to bug me.
If by chance I get a video camera and get some hidden footage of Robert making a fool out of himself I will post it. examples would be walking around the house picking wedgies, flexing his muscles in the mirror, falling up the stairs then sown, running through screen doors and tripping and falling in parking lots. I could go on and on but won't.
Robert thinks he is so cool coming home in his scrubs, medical equip, name badge and talks about the "cool" things he does at work. He got upset the other day when his schedule changed. He was going to go to a meeting then go to a patient to put in a catheter. But he had to go to orientation instead. I thought that that was a good thing since he has never put in a catheter. That is kind of funny because of all of his clinicals he never got to. He did more complex skills like, IV's and NG tubes.
When he said that we were lucky to have Kaleb with us is in Feburary we had put Kaleb in his bed and he was screaming, and all of a sudden he stopped. Usually they cry less and less and eventually stop. A few minutes passed and Robert had a feeling to go and check on him. We tried feeding him but wasn't interested. Robert got him in the light and we realized he was pale and going limp his eyes even started to roll back. Robert tried patting him on the back-nothing. He finally put him under a pillow and performed the startle reflex and that broke up all of the saliva that was building in the back of his throat. After that he started screaming again and came to. That is the shortened version or what I can remember.
We had another experience like that a couple weeks ago. This time it happened to me.
Robert and I were in bed talking about his new job and the dumb things he does. (An example was tying his pubic hair into his swimming suit, then running and screaming for his life when I got the scissors. (he eventually let me cut him free.) But as you may know he was a baby. You should have heard him scream.) At that time I was drinking water. All of a sudden I start coughing. I run to the bathroom because I felt like I might throw up. Then I start gasping for air. Robert stand there and said keep swallowing. That wasn't doing anything- I had no air! I start turning blue and go numb. Finally Robert's brain kicks in and does the heimlich on me and I returned to normal. Robert said a few more seconds and I would've passed out. I think he was waiting for me to so he could do CPR.
I try and try to get Rob to study but he needs to want to. The worst part of the day is when he leaves and the best part is when he comes home. I do like to review his studies with him. He needs to learn to use common sense, and not to critical think everything like he has.
About those fears. Dogs, Driving, Dark and ..... ? Dogs- are still a major fear. I guess I had a bad experience as a young child. He wants a dog, I told him maybe when we get a house we can get an outside dog, but for now maybe a guinea pig.
Driving- I have never really enjoyed driving. I guess after you fail 3 times it takes your confidence away. Or it might be that someone ruined it for me. I also don't want to learn in a big city. I keep telling Robert(who just got dressed) if and when we move to a smaller town I would be willing to try.
Dark- I don't like being alone at night in a big city. Robert enjoys teasing be by saying scary things or unlocking the doors. He enjoys scaring me to the point that any shadow or noise makes me jump. We are always hearing sirens at night. They drive right passed our apartment.
??? - I don't know what Robert meant by that.
Robert talked a lot about the boys already but I will try to add some more info from a mom's view.
Tyson- He loves to say mom and when he does it just melts your heart. If I am not around he will say mom and look for me. He loves books, escpecially books with flaps or animals or trucks. If he reads animal books he will either make the sign for that animal or make the animal noise. He likes to experiment with measuring and pouring water from cup to cup. He likes to see how things work. He loves to shop and will put random things in the cart. We don't realize what he puts in until we get to the check-out stand. He loves to look at pictures of the family. He loves to tease Kaleb. He is getting into the terrible 2-year-old attitude. He loves to say No and gets upset if he doesn't get what he wants.
Kaleb- Is so cute but can be stubborn. (like his dad, who gets it from grandpa) He thows things when he gets mad, or will hit you hard on the face. It is a nuicence but also a joy when he comes up to me and pulls up my shirt to breastfeed. He also likes books. Most of the time he will start a fight with Tyson, so that we will separate them. He likes to immitate people. He finds the oddest footrests. It takes 2-3 people for a diaper change. I love him and I can tell he loves me by the way he hugs me so tight and the wettest kisses on my mouth.
Both boys love to swim. They will sit in the tubes and float. Tyson likes to float with help. He will move his arms and kick his feet. He will also blow bubbles in the water. He will jump into the water and have us catch him.
Robert hates it when the boys pull his armpit or leg hair.
Robert keeps telling me he wants me to be the provider and he be the mom. He doesn't know what is involved. As any mom knows give the dad a few hours and see how he does. He will only last a few hours before going crazy. You can have one mom for three kids, but you need three dads for one kid.
Our new ward is full of old people like grandma and grandpa and older. Our bishop is young and his counselors are old. He has three girls and the youngest is in nursery. They say Tyson is the cutest, quitest, most well-mannered, smallest and youngest. They say the transition to nursery is the hardest for the child. In our case it was the hardest for dad. Robert had a hard time becasue his playmate left. I guess Robert forgot that you learn in church and play at home.
There was a question on how to keep kids quiet at night. Any ideas on keeping them quiet during church, without using treats?
It is finally quiet around here. Kaleb is reading books by my feet and Tyson fell asleep on dad's lap.
Any ideas on how to fatten Robert up? I have tried for almost 3 years and nothing works. He just gets skinnier and skinnier. He eats and eats, but still thins out. Maybe he got that from his dad too. I wish I had that problem.
We loved to hear Quickyn laugh. Bill makes us laugh too. She is really cute. I don't think we will ever go visit if there are mice on the loose. Sounds like you guys followed orders well with regards to keeping Quickyn under the lights. We didn't because we couldn't it was to hard on us especially me and we didn't feel the need. We felt like sunlight was better and it did work better. We did that with both boys. These boys don't get regular check-ups or vaccinations from pediatric holy-men. Rather they get more reliable and loving check-ups from their dad and mom and grandparents.
Hey Satanic Holy mouth-man, do we get free check-ups? Will you be using mercury or the other fillings? (you know what I mean.) We enjoyed going to Haylee's baptism and seeing your family. Megan where do you get all of your patience?
Gracie is so cute. She looks like Luke. Does Luke have to wear a spacesuit to change diapers? Dad told us a little bit about your practicioner, sounds like one of a kind. Keep her while you can. Is Hollie going back to work or staying home or what. How is hurricane season? My brother who is in Florida on is mission in Ft. Lauderdale, who got transferred to Maimi said that all of the hurricanes missed him. One was by 20 miles. We can't wait to see you at the end of the month.
Good luck to Lisa and her family. We are praying for you and we know things will work out for the best.
We are always praying for mom and wishing we could help. The only thing that keeps April's class under control is grandpa's third leg and walrus face. ( I only said that because he brought it up and joked about it before.)
For all you politians, who should we vote for this November? An old man with a young lady vice, or a Black man who can't even say the pledge. This might sound mean but I don't think I want a president who can't even say the pledge!
Well I better stop and worry about my family.
Friday, September 19, 2008
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I don't think you should ask me about politics. It revolts me that the republican party lied to us about WMD in Iraq. I still can't believe that Colin Powell went along. His speech to the UN was the the only reason I even felt marginally supportive of the war in the first place. No wonder he resigned. Puppet. It was the only thing he could do after lying to the world like that. What a mess.
It bothers me that congress is doing nothing about/with the record breaking 'windfall' profits for oil companies. Put the windfall in a pot and let's see some serious competition in alternative energy research.
On the flip side, I dislike the convoluted and irresponsible social programs already in place. As an example, I drive two beautiful cars, own a 2,000 square foot home, and qualify for food stamps. Food stamps! I have chosen to purchase two very expensive automobiles. Why doesn't that decision put food stamps out of my reach? In addition to my automobiles, I have two small IRA's, a small CD, and some serious equity in my home. Shouldn't I be be required to liquidate some of my assets before applying for welfare? I wouldn't feel right riding around in luxury letting you all pay for my food and medicine (another reason I'm joining the Navy). More of this same type of 'solution' doesn't sit well with me. Historically, that's what the democratic party does. (Not FDR, his solution, good or bad in long term, was innovative and effective for the specific ailment).
I don't like either choice for president. I'm glad McCain is moderate on immigration and experienced in foreign policy, but I'm mad at his party. I am seriously disturbed by the historical precedent. How do I know I won't be getting more of the same dishonesty? Obama, on the other hand, hardly seems American. How can you run for President and not be willing to put your hand over your heart? Is he going to write his own presidential oath, or what? Where is his allegiance? If he won't set aside a personal belief that restricts him from pledging allegiance to his nation, how can I believe that he will govern in the nation's best interest?
I would like to read serious discussions of earning disparity, health care cost management, and national fiduciary policy from each candidate before making a decision. I want to see some serious discussion on transparency in our financial markets. How can something like AIG be a surprise? Especially after ENRON and Telecomm? I also want to see the influence of private interest groups on legislation signficantly restrained, if not eliminated.
In short, both candidates talk, but neither says anything about what I think is important. Let's see contracts from both of them on these issues, then I'll decide.
Megan wants to know why grandpa didn't answer the phone to hear his grandkids sing happy birthday. He may not like his birthday, but they do!
See, you got me riled up. Now I'm hitting below the belt. I'm sure dad would answer the phone if he was able at the time. I think he should run for president. RAW MILK FOR FREEDOM! I'm going to write him in.
Seriously, I think we need to change our primary system and boot the electoral college. That would be a beginning. Where's the candidate that will support that? How about preventing congress members from arbitrarily drawing precinct boundaries to secure seats for their parties? Draw the lines so the vote is unpredictable, then let the republic decide for real. Maybe then we could get more than two viable parties and have some political discussion instead of hogwash. I'm voting for Ralph Nader.
OK, so Karl really got uptight last night when he was wrting this-he was on here forever! I finally told him (after laying on the couch half asleep for about 1/2 hr) that I was going to be at midight. He said, "ok, I'll be up in a minute. So I crawled into bed and left the lighton in the hall. I woke up at 1:30 AM,turn over the hall light is still on and NO KARL! I wen t and got him and he finally came to bed.
And he wonders why he is always so tierd!
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